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>> Questions

The Questions module allows site admins and client admins to create, manage, and organize questions related to political races. To access this module, follow these steps:


Accessing the Questions Module:

Locate the "Questions" option under the "Races" menu. This option is available to users logged in as site or client admins. Click on the "Questions" option to proceed.

Question List Page: After clicking on the "Questions" option, you will be directed to the Question List page, which displays a comprehensive list of existing questions within the system.

Adding a New Question: To create a new question, follow these steps:

  • Locate the "Add New" button on the Question List page and click on it.

  • You will be redirected to the Add Question page.

  • Fill in the question text and select the appropriate question category from the available options.

  • Click on the "Save" button to create the new question.

  • Upon clicking the "Save" button, you will be redirected back to the Question List page.

Filtering Questions: On the Question List page, you can filter the displayed questions based on the following criteria:

  • Question Name: Filter questions by searching for specific keywords or phrases within the question text.

  • Question Category: Narrow down the list by selecting a question category to view questions related to a specific topic or area of interest.

Editing or Deleting Questions: While on the Question List page, you can perform the following actions on existing questions:

  • Edit: Click on the "Edit" button associated with a specific question to modify its details, such as question text or category.

  • Delete: Click on the "Delete" button associated with a specific question to remove it from the system. A confirmation popup will appear, requesting you to confirm the deletion before proceeding.

By utilizing the various features and functions available within the Questions module, site and client admins can effectively manage and organize questions related to political races, ensuring users have access to relevant and informative content.
