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Setting Up an organization

Step 1: Log In

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to your site like:

  2. Enter your valid "super admin" or company admin credentials (username and password).

  3. Click the "Login" button.

Step 2: Access the Admin Page

  1. Once logged in, append /go/admin/ to the base URL. Your URL should look like this:

  2. Press "Enter" to navigate to the "administrator" page.


Click the "Organization Address and Contact Info" option.


Step 3: Fill in Organization Details

You will be redirected to a page where you need to provide the following information:



Organization Information

  • Organization Name: Enter the domain name of the organization.

  • Description: Provide a brief description of the organization.

Default Organization Block

  • Address Name: Enter the name associated with the address.

  • Street Address: Enter the street address of the organization.

  • Supplemental Address 1: (Optional) Enter additional address information if necessary.

  • Supplemental Address 2: (Optional) Enter further address details if necessary.

  • City: Enter the city where the organization is located.

  • Postal Code: Enter the postal code.

  • Suffix: (Optional) Enter any suffix for the address.

  • Country: Select the country from the drop-down menu.

  • State: Based on the selected country, choose the appropriate state from the drop-down menu.

  • Latitude: (Optional) Enter the latitude coordinate.

  • Longitude: (Optional) Enter the longitude coordinate.

Organization Contact Information

  • Email: Enter the primary email address for the organization.

  • Phone: Enter the primary phone number for the organization.

  • Extension: (Optional) Enter any extension number if applicable.

  • Type: Select the type from the drop-down to identify if it is a mobile or phone number.

Step 4: Save Configuration

  • Review all the provided information to ensure it is accurate.

  • Click the "Save" button to apply the settings.